NLP - the Study of Excellence
Coaching and Training Human Beings

NLP - the Study of Excellence
Coaching and Training Human Beings

Next Promotion – Finance Director

Next Promotion – Finance Director

This offering is now completed by our sister site:  Coaching for promotion to Finance Director

If you are on the path to FD and you want to ensure you meet the relevant milestones, setting up a relevant coaching relationship can prove to be a very valuable investment.

Why have coaching to achieve a Finance Director promotion?

Be held accountable for achieving your steps towards becoming a Finance Director.

Ensure your goals are aligned with what you are being set at work.

Have a sounding board for new challenges, communication skills and other professional requirements.

Increase your self awareness in a risk free environment.

what happens in the coaching

In essence its all about you.  Its a conversation, a two-way dialogue between the coach and the coachee.  Its a process whereby you set goals (positive, relevant goals) and are supported to ensure you work towards them.

What are the outcomes from coaching?

Its an opportunity to have your “limiting beliefs” challenged and discover where you may be sabotaging yourself or your career prospects.

You will feel a sense of self awareness you didn’t have before, a chance to reflect and grow.  Preparation for you to take on your Finance Director role.

How do I sign up for coaching?

If you would like to work with a Professional Life Coach to help achieve your aims/goals/dreams please do use the contact us page.

Read more about the work of a Professional Life Coach