NLP - the Study of Excellence
Coaching and Training Human Beings

NLP - the Study of Excellence
Coaching and Training Human Beings

Three Day Communication Skills Intensive – Accountants


A three day intensive to teach accountants leading edge communication skills, based on the wizardry of NLP.

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We communicate with people every day, but do we truly understand them?

Every individual experiences the world differently.

Being able to identify how people process information can help you communicate better with your clients and your colleagues.

Boost your communications awareness

Body language, eye movement and language structure are three communication cues that have an enormous impact on how we interact with each other.

If you’re a Senior Accountant or Financial Director, being able to communicate with clients, suppliers and colleagues is a key component of what you do. At NLP-Impact, we specialise in equipping financial professionals with enhanced communication skills.

Discover the benefits of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

As an accountant, you may have great insight into financial statements, reports and mathematics. But insight into how different people think – or even what they’re thinking – is a different kind of insight entirely; it can help you to understand them better.

NLP incorporates awareness of body language and how this influences individual interaction; language structure and what it can mean, and many other quantifiable tools that you can apply to make your everyday communication more effective.

With the right tools, communication can be easier

NLP-Impact helps financial professionals, on all levels, who want to be better communicators. We realise that interaction on a personal level is not quite as simple as populating a spreadsheet.

If you have a genuine interest in enhancing your communication skills for better outcomes in your working environment – and your life – this three day intense will give you very practical tools you can use immediately.  Over the three days you will have time to practice the skills, and really think through the examples of your work where you can apply it, giving you confidence, new ideas and additional impact.